Spectator Update July 10th 2021

10 Jul 2021 by Heidi fitzpatrick

We have finally received more information from the council regarding spectator limits. Unfortunately there was not as big a change as we were hoping for so it will still be pretty limited.

For the venues Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium, Greenvale Recreation Centre, Hume Central Secondary College and Roxburgh Park, 2 spectators per player are allowed. Unfortunately only 1 spectator is still allowed per player at the Broadmeadows Leisure Centre due to the space and court limits being more restricted.

This difference is because the stadium is classified as 2 separate 2 court spaces whereas the leisure centre is only classified as 1 space with 3 courts in it.

Masks are still required indoors for everyone over the age of 12. This includes players who are participating in the games. They are only exempt from wearing the mask during the game so they still need to wear it going from the entry points to the courts.

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