Training Protocol

15 Nov 2021 by Heidi fitzpatrick

Two weeks back now and I hope the children are loving sport as much as they ever have.

After a couple of mishaps with our first week back into training, I wanted to remind everyone of the proper protocol for training sessions. Every single person must QR code check into either Hume or Oak Park. If you are simply dropping off children too young to own a phone and picking them up at the end of the training you must still check them into the stadium. Both stadiums are used for purposes other than our training and it is essential the data of anyone who has entered is kept up to date. If you are carpooling children together the one time “add person” option on the services victoria app must be used to make sure everyone is checked in.

As for the actual training protocols, it is up to the last person each night to lock up and turn off all the lights. If you have completed training and no group is outside, waiting to get in, it is your responsibility to lock up and turn off all the lights. Even if your training is at 4 pm, or 5.30, and someone always has trained after you. If you finish training, and no one is there ready to train when you are done, lock it up. If the next group is running late, they can always unlock it. If you do not know how to lock up, contact your age group registrar, Imelda or myself for confirmation of the code at Oak Park.

This gets a little more complicated at Hume as there is a physical fob that is used for entry into the stadium, so please let your age group registrar and myself know when you are not going to attend training.

Kind regards,
SUBC Admin

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